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Our Locations

Whether you find yourself on the 'Rive Gauche' or 'Rive Droite' of Geneva, our store is ready to cater to your need for uplifting experiences and premium coffee.

Specialty Coffee in Geneva

Rive Droite

Mon-Fri 7:00-16:30
Sat-Sun: 8:30-15:30
Avenue Blanc 51, 1202 Genève

Nestled within the heart of the International Organisations, our coffee shop boasts a contemporary and streamlined design, inviting you to indulge in a moment of serenity. Whether you prefer to relax on-site or opt for a convenient take-away experience, we've got you covered.

Let's Go

Rive Gauche

Mon-Fri 7:15-15:00
Sat-Sun: 8:30-15:30

Rue des Eaux-Vives 15 ,1207 Genève

Only a stone's throw away from the renowned Jet d'Eau, we're here to serve up the absolute best coffee, forever radiating good vibes!

Let's Go